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Disabled Children Team Case Work Responsibilities

Scope of this chapter

This procedure sets out the arrangements for determining the case work responsibilities where a child with disabilities who is open to the Disabled Children's Team becomes the subject of child protection concerns or becomes Looked After.

Social Workers in the Children with Disabilities team are qualified social workers who also undertake regular training in line with Social Work England requirements. Therefore they are qualified and experienced to undertake the necessary child protection and care planning processes required for children subject to child protection concern and or those who become looked after.

If a child with a disability is or becomes Looked After, the DCT Social Worker will hold case management responsibility in relation to the child. where the case relates to a single child or was already open to DCT or the concern leading to the need for LAC relates specifically to the child with the disability.

Where this is a child of a sibling group and the case was already open to the DCT the DCT will hold case responsibility for the whole family to minimise the need for duplication of workers in one family.

Where the case was open to a case management team and or is received as a new case at the "front door" the case management  team will hold case responsibility and they will liaise with the DCT to ensure the needs of the child with  a disability are understood and incorporated into the assessment and care plans for the child/children.

The DCT Social Worker will arrange Looked After Reviews, and contact with the parents and significant others - see Family Time with Parents/Adults and Siblings Procedure.

In relation to Child Protection cases, the DCT will undertake the Section 47 and continue to hold case responsibility through any child protection processes.

For children who are in Police Protection or the subject of an Emergency Protection Order, the Disabled Children's Team will convene a Legal Planning Meeting and initiate legal proceedings as required.

For children who are the subject of a Child Protection/Section 47 Enquiry, where the case relates to a single child or was already open to DCT or the concern leading to the need for s47 relates specifically to the child with the disability the DCT team will hold case responsibility.

Where this is a child of a sibling group and the case was already open to the DCT the DCT will hold case responsibility for the whole family to minimise the need for duplication of workers in one family.

Where the case was open to a case management team and or is received as a new case at the "front door" the case management team will hold case responsibility for the S47 and CP processes and they will liaise with the DCT to ensure the needs of the child with  a disability are understood and incorporated into the assessment and child protection plans for the child/ren.

  1. The Social Work Assessment and risk analysis, will be completed by the DCT Social Worker, for the whole family, where the subject child has a disability as defined by the Shropshire Safeguarding Partnership (SSP);
  2. The DCT social worker will arrange the Child Protection Conference, and will be responsible for the invitee list;
  3. The DCT Social Worker will lead and continue to hold case management responsibility for reviewing and monitoring of Child Protection Plans.

Last Updated: March 27, 2024
